Petredec Group is an integrated LPG company with a worldwide Trading, Shipping and Downstream presence split into three divisions, Petredec Global, Petredec Fortitude and Petredec Onshore. Petredec Global is one of the largest operators and owners of VLGCs and supplies 6 continents with LPG. Petredec Fortitude owns the most modern handysize gas fleet in the world. Petredec Onshore owns a series of LPG import terminals in the Indian Ocean and distributes LPG in 14 countries.

Petregaz is the downstream subsidiary of Petredec Onshore, which specialises in the importation, storage, and wholesale distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). Petregaz is focused on the development of onshore LPG infrastructure in Africa, the Indian Ocean, and Southeast Asia. Our large-scale import terminals in deep-water ports, offer economies of scale and security of supply to these geographies. These markets require LPG for clean cooking and affordable energy, to help reduce deforestation and illness caused by smoke inhalation. Petregaz aims to provide the affordable and accessible fuel India requires by offering lower-emission solutions through LPG.
Petregaz India’s LPG terminal is located in the Adani Krishnapatnam Port. The 34,000 metric tonne facility comprises of two refrigerated tanks, 2 gantries and a total of 16 truck bays allowing the simultaneous loading of tankers, evacuating over 5000 metric tonnes per day.